Used Replacement Wheels


Replacing a wheel with a used one is dangerous. How it has been used or how far it has been driven may be unknown. It could fail suddenly and cause a crash. When replacing wheels, use a new GM original equipment wheel.

    See also:

    SBZA Detection Zones
    The SBZA sensor covers a zone of approximately one lane over from both sides of the vehicle, 3.5m (11 ft). This zone starts at each side mirror and goes back approximately 5.0m(16 ft). The heigh ...

    Under the Hood
    Like the regular all-wheel-drive Escalade and the Escalade ESV, the Escalade EXT uses a 6.0-liter V-8 that produces 345 horsepower and 380 pounds-feet of torque. The engine teams with a four-speed ...

    Removal and Installation of the Sealant Canister
    To remove the sealant canister: 1. Unwrap the sealant hose. 2. Press the canister release button. 3. Pull up and remove the canister. 4. Replace with a new canister which is available from your ...