Contacting Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance services are of no cost to you and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Costs are only incurred in situations that exceed the limits of the program, some of which are listed previously in this section.

To contact Roadside Assistance by phone, use the following numbers:



United States





Cadillac reserves the right to make any changes or discontinue the Roadside Assistance program at any time without notification.

    See also:

    Control of a Vehicle
    Braking, steering, and accelerating are important factors in helping to control a vehicle while driving. ...

    Empty Directory or Folder
    If a root directory or a folder exists somewhere in the file structure that contains only folders/subfolders and no compressed files directly beneath them, the player advances to the next folder i ...

    Door Locks
    There are several ways to lock and unlock the vehicle. From outside, use the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter or the key in the driver door. From inside, use the power door locks or the manu ...